My tendency, since I don't usually tutor on Fridays, is to do the same. I do think it is important to have a time in your week for reflection and refocusing of priorities, and not to JUST do things to make yourself feel busy. I seem to have an ebb and flow in my week since I have my own business, and I like it that way. I try to stay balanced and spend time both working and projecting what I want my upcoming month to look like.

I have read a couple of Andy Andrews' books and I really enjoy his way of looking at life, through him as well as his characters. Here is a video I got from Heather O (in my Inside 919 circle of friends - thanks Heather!) that show why "taking action" is so important to your life and your decisions really do have consequences. You will never be fully prepared, and you will never know the outcome until you do ONE thing - TAKE ACTION.
What ACTION are you going to take today that will bring a "Charge!" into your life? You can radically change your life and your outlook on your future through deciding TODAY that you will DO something - tell me what that is below - I really want to know! :)