Why do I do it? The things I don't like doing...the things that are unpleasant. The things that HAVE to be done. Whatever it is....dishes, laundry, cleaning, paying bills, making a budget. Calling that person I have to resolve that conflict with. Calling my bank to dispute a charge. Oh and here's a good one - making a plan of action to REALLY get my business in motion.
Yea, it might be a little unpleasant to think about what NEEDS to be done in order to insure success in your business, but it is necessary. Why do we do these things? Because if we don't, not only do WE suffer, but our family suffers. Our relationships suffer. Our finances suffer. If things don't get done, then we have gone backwards instead of forwards. Laziness becomes more and more the "norm" and we don't even realize it at first. We think, well, it's ok to sleep in. It's ok to take a day off.....and if we have been working hard, it is. BUT if we haven't, then there is no reason to reward ourselves for work that has not been accomplished yet!
Why did you mother tell you to do your homework before you went out to play? Because she knew that if you played until dark, you would be too tired to come in and do your homework, and it wouldn't get done. Or there would be a fight to get it done.
Why do I do the dishes after dinner? Because if I don't, they will be sitting there until I do them. I won't be able to use the sink or the dishes until they are clean, and everyone in the house has to work around those dirty dishes. Or dirty clothes in the closet. Or that dirty bathroom. Or whatever it is in your life that needs to be cleaned out, refreshed, brushed off...maybe it is your self esteem. Maybe you've been battered and bruised. Maybe you've had people made promises to you that didn't turn out to be true. Maybe someone has promised you the world but gave you a lot less in return...
So pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and say OK. This is the day I will do it for myself. This is the day that I will do the things I don't want to do, but NEED to do to move myself, my business, my life forward. I will clean the attic and find that old stuff I've been collecting that I can use for my business...I will find those contacts that I have been putting off getting in touch with. I will start writing that blog I promised myself I would for months now :)
So what is it for you?
Find out what it is that you do for your family that they appreciate. That if you DIDN'T do, they would suffer from it. And if they don't tell you, then list the things you do that go unnoticed but you do because you love them.
And if you do have some "unfinished" business....things that are dormant but can come to life again as soon as you breathe into them, find them and bring them to life.
You'll be living better than you thought possible....this is what dreams are made of :)
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