At least where I am sitting here looking out of my window in Raleigh, NC - the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and life is good :)
I am happy that it is not raining, that is it warming up, and that I am able to write my thoughts here to anyone reading - there is a rainbow after the rain!! So why don't we always have sunshine...why do we have to go through tough times to get to the good times? Well there are a few ways I could answer that question, but one thing I firmly believe is so that we appreciate the good times - when we have them.
So is it just random that we'll have good and bad times in our lives? I believe some of it is just "life" and things we can't control...but the bigger part of it - the part we MUST focus on - is the part we CAN control, the part that we engineer day by day. The WAY we live our lives.
Are you in business for yourself? Are you trying to live beyond the daily 9-5 grind? Then treat it as a business, and not as a hobby, for it to pay you dividends into the future. I am always actively pursuing my business, saying to myself - what can I do today to promote my business? What can I do to learn more about it, about promoting, about connecting with other people so they have the information they need...what can I accomplish today that will make my TOMORROW better?
I don't think of myself as a "salesperson". In fact, I don't "sell" anything. All I do is show people how THEY can have a better life through options that are available to them, that they didn't know about, or think about, before. And in that way, if I help someone, they benefit, and in the long run, so do I. I am building a foundation for my future - so that the "sun can come out" in my financial life, and I can have the greatest reason for it - I helped others to get where they are, so I can get where I want to be - isn't that the best feeling of all?
Come join us at http://bestlifepossible.ning.com if you feel the same way! I would love to welcome you to the community :)
Laurel, I totally agree with you about helping others. There is no better way to get to where your going than by helping someone else get to their destination as well. It is true that what you put out into the universe will come back to you no less than double. Thank you for tis reminder of what is really important in life. I wish you much success.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment Diana! I am glad this resonated with you. You know what they say - great minds think alike! :)