Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Singing about the Environment can be cool! :)

When you think of "saving the planet" or conservation, it may seem boring, irrelevant or even politically charged - who knows how to REALLY determine how much Global Warming is affecting us, and why did Al Gore "really" make that movie?

Well, all I know is that I want to help the planet in my own way, and do what I know will help - things like using my car less when I can (less toxic emissions in the air), drinking water out of a "good" plastic water bottle (saving money on bottled water and saving lots of landfill space), recycling aluminum cans, plastic and glass (even less to go to landfills), and....watching this video!! :)


This was made by a 15-year-old that was inspired by Al Gore's movie, but it is done in a very creative and modern way, to get the younger generation interested in what is good for the planet (such as riding your bike) and to stop things that hurt it through carbon emissions of fossil fuels (gas guzzling Hummers). It is customizable for guys and girls, and it is fun to watch and send to friends, even if you are WAY older than 15. Go ahead - it's fun AND educational! :)

And then get inspired by going to the main site www.acespace.org and look at their blog, resources for teachers, and the videos there - here is one example of a high school presentation that kids really liked! - acetrailer.com (the you tube version). Learn more about this progressive, innovative program for today's teens to make a difference today that will help clean the planet up for our future tomorrows!

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