Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No more Google! Use an eco-friendly search engine! :)

If you are like most people, it is not easy to understand how Google or any other search engine can operate and make millions of dollars giving away a service for free. They have their ways, however, and it is easy to see how just a couple of clicks by millions of people would give them revenue from "sponsored links". Now every business needs to make money, but many businesses these days can do so much more than just take in profits. When natural disasters happen like the earthquake in Haiti, and seeing how much support was raised by millions of people texting donations on their phones, and stars contributing through their pockets and their talents on fundraising shows, it made me think. What is more important - helping emergency situations one-time, or helping a cause a little bit each day long-term?

I will not deny that I am glad to see Haiti get as much help as they can (through people not government - much quicker isn't it?). But I want to highlight ways for us to help the green cause daily, through clicking daily on www.therainforestsite.com (or any of its worthy partner sites), or this new green search engine I just found - Ecosia.com .

Ecosia not only donates a good portion of its profits to saving the rainforest, and show you how much YOU are saving every time you make a search for anything, but it also runs on green servers so that there is no carbon emissions to make up for! Did you realize that we are using up a lot of energy and carbon every minute we are online? THIS makes me feel better and I encourage you to use it too. It's easy, free, and it will help save the rainforest, a few meters at a time.

Watch their video here - and get your new green search engine! :)

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