Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kids Can Save the Earth!

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time, you know that I love kids and working with kids. I worked at a kid's summer camp last summer, and if you go to my blog posts here from last summer, you'll see how cool that was. Now I tutor young kids and some older kids, and here online, I educate people how to involve their kids in "going green". 

Often, though, I see kids as being the catalyst for parents "doing their part", as kids learn in school - through programs like Kids For Saving Earth ( - see here how they are helping school curriculums, church youth groups and kids clubs to go green in unique and fun ways - and Journeys to the Past ( - by Jacque Nunez and her husband, American Indians living in CA who help school age children connect to the earth and its history, preserving her heritage through storytelling and interactive programs that are interesting and informative for kids.

My radio show today will highlight both of these websites and the part kids can play in helping preserve the earth for their generation and beyond. I hope if you don't listen live, you will listen to the archived version here - and then you are welcome to post comments or question on my green facebook group - - I'd love to see you there!

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